Calendar of events for the first half of the year

1/12/25- coffee service at 10:30 am
1/25/25– meeting, 101 class on basics of circle, directions, etc. 1:00pm , lanai

2/9/25 - coffee service at 10:30am
2/1/25 - Imbolc ritual, 4-9pm –weather permitting will be by the firepit and the hall. More info will be given.
2/22/25 - meeting at 1pm. Class 1 of 4, earth element, all that is earth from taste to sound and meditation.

3/9/25 - coffee service at 10:30 also day light savings time
3/22/25 - meeting and ritual, spring equinox. Class on altar building as part of the ritual. Time to TBD.

4/13/25 - coffee service at 10:30 am.
4/26/25 - meeting in the hall at 1pm. Class on divination - different methods.

May 3rd, maybe may 4 th Beltane– time and place TBD
5/11/25 coffee service at 10:30 also mother’s day
5/24/25 - meeting at 1 pm, Class 2 of 4, element water-following earth we look at the next element water from taste to sound and meditation.

6/8/25 - coffee service 10:30 am
6/20/25 - Summer Solstice. We will confirm this as time gets closer due to our weather.
6/28/25 - Meeting at 1 pm. Seasonal crafting, meet in the hall

This brings us through the ascending part of the year where things are growing and changing. We in this area will be going thru our dry season now, to next is fire season which gives way to rainy and hurricane. Weather is changing so is our earth as she will. When we tune ourselves in with earth cycles we feel things a bit more. There is a time to go out and do and then we may feel a time to go within and be a home body, this is what our ancestors did as they look up at the stars and planets just like we do. There is much honor in doing the simple things and to take a moment to experience divinity in all things.