Ancient roots, Modern branches

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Celebrate Imbolc with CUUPS Fort Myers on Feb 2, 2016
We will Gather @6:00 PM.

Holley and Toni will lead a Ritual to invoke the Triple Goddess Brighid and celebrate the first stirrings of Spring. We will gather in the Amphitheater in Holton Eco-Preserve of the UU Church of Fort Myers. Our intention is to call for protection and blessings of the Waters of the World. We will especially focus on our waters of SW FL and the Everglades. Dress warmly, bring food or libation to share after ritual in the screened in porch. We will have a warm fire, so dry wood, if you have it, will be needed and appreciated. If it rains, we will gather in the screened porch or Hobart Hall. Bring drums, and if you want to make a Brighid's Cross to bless, we are providing a link below.

The cross has long been a symbol of Brighid, the Irish goddess who presides overhearth and home. In some legends, the girl who became St. Bridget wove the first of these crosses as she explained Christianity to her father, a Pictish chieftain. Inother stories, the cross is not a cross at all, but a wheel of fire, which explains why it's a bit off-center in appearance. In parts of Ireland, Brighid is known as agoddess of the crossroads, and this symbol represents the place where two worlds meet, and the year is at a crossroads between light and dark.

Please share this invitation and invite your friends!

Find out how to make a Brighid's Cross.

Location : Ampitheatre
Contact : Holley & Toni


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